Ethics: Understanding Your Responsibility to Children
NAEYC Ethical Tutorial
Recognizing a Ethical Dilemma
​The Dilemma:

A parent of a preschooler in your program is concerned that her child will not be ready for kindergarten next year and has talked with other parents who have the same concern. The group of parents have a copy of the kindergarten placement test and would like you to begin preparing the children and deliver the test before the end of the year. They want the children to succeed in school next year.
​Ethical Resolution:  Everyone wants the Children to Succeed

Identifying the problem in this situation involves understanding these parents are fearful their children will not do well in the new setting of kindergarten, with higher expectations and emphasis on achievement. They feel the stress and the pressure that children need to enter kindergarten with academic skills. You have concerns about testing your children. 

You have a responsibilities to both children and parents of young children to provide an environment that is not only safe, but stimulating and enriching with regard to learning.
What do you feel is an Ethical Resolution

The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct is helpful in addressing this issue. Find the following items on your copy of the code that will support your decision. 

Look under the principles in the section on "Responsibilities to Children"  there you will find guidance regarding assessments of children.

Write down at least 3 dilemmas the teacher is facing, and what would be an appropriate resolutions for all parties involved. Once you have listed your three resolutions: 

Move to the next tab to compare the NAEYC Resolution to the 3  resolutions you suggested.
Answers to the Assessment on Survey Monkey "Overview of the NAEYC Code" video:

1. 4

2. Children, Family, Colleague, Community

3. To offer guidelines for responsible behavior and sets forth a common basis for resolving ethical dilemmas

​4. Daily Practices with children and families in all programs.